Formerly home to Alexander Graham Bell, Brantford is often known as the “Telephone City.” Brantford was officially established in 1877, and the community counts a number of historic landmarks across the area. The local population numbers just under 100,000 residents.
The Grand River winds its way through the centre of Brantford, with the Brant Conservation Area serving as an important resource for local wildlife. Many local home and business owners opt for landscaping and construction initiatives that contribute to the local ecosystem and reject harmful chemicals in favour of natural alternatives. These solutions still provide the same practical appeal and functionality, without the negative effects of traditional landscape projects.
Quiet Nature works with clients to develop comprehensive landscaping in Brantford. Our dedication to protecting the environment, coupled with our award-winning designs, have helped make us one of the top landscapers in southern Ontario. Learn more about our team by scheduling a consultation with one of our horticultural experts. Call us today: (289)-272-0887.