Picking the Right Plants for the Right Places

With so many options to choose from, many people feel stuck when it comes to selecting the right plants for their property. The visual appeal of a plant is certainly important, but the look shouldn’t be the sole focus. Instead, it’s important to take a number of different factors into consideration, ensuring the chosen plant will live on for years to come and perfectly complement the surrounding environment. Use the following tips to better guide your landscaping choices.
Choose Native Plants First
Perhaps the single most important guideline to take into consideration is the origin of your selected plants. Whenever possible, native plants should take priority over ornamental imports. Choosing a native plant represents a number of benefits for your landscape:
Low Maintenance: A native plant won’t require near as much attention as a transplant from somewhere else. With the right soil and environment in place, the plant will flourish without the need for lots of pesticide or special care.
Minimal Impact: Native plants are a great alternative to invasive exotic species that can wreak havoc on the natural environment of southern Ontario.
Helps the Ecosystem: A natural plant can provide food and protective cover for the many animal species in our region. Why not put your landscape to work?
Consider the Conditions in Place
Although it’s become quite common for many landscaping contractors in Waterloo and the surrounding region to use triple mix in massive quantities, it’s always best to work with existing soil. By picking plants that will grow well in your existing soil, you’re reducing your impact on the environment, while simultaneously saving money.
Plant species also vary in their needs for light and moisture. The location of your property and position of trees and foliage already in place impact the suitability of various plants. An educated horticulturalist is often the best resource for choosing plants that will thrive with a given set of variables.
Select Hardy Plants
There is no denying the beauty of an exotic import from some far away land, but you’ll need to carefully baby such plants or you’ll end up with a dead garden. There are plenty of plants that offer the same visual appeal without the finicky nature of other species. For example, certain plants stand up to pests rather well, while others may need copious amounts of chemicals to stay standing. Water needs should also be taken into consideration. The overall hardiness of a plant can help determine whether it makes the right fit for your backyard.
Thinking of embarking on a landscape project in Ayr, Cambridge, or Waterloo? Our team at Quiet Nature works with property owners across southern Ontario to bring beautiful landscape to life. Not only do we deliver sensational results, but we make environmentally conscious decisions that benefit our natural ecosystem.
Interested in learning more? Give us a call today to get started: (519) 632-5218