Pollinators are responsible for reproduction in flowering plants. These are not just the annuals you plant in your landscape, but vegetables, fruit trees, and other plants also produce flowers. By transporting pollen from one plant to another, …
Looking out your window on a stormy day, you may have wondered if it was possible to harvest that rain and save it for reuse during times of less frequent showers or even droughts. The good news is that it is not only possible it is a very good …
If you own land that has significant acreage, you may have thought it would be nice to have a large pond or small lake on the property. You would be right. If you think it is as easy as digging a big hole and waiting for the rain to fill it up, …
Incorporating a water feature into your home landscape is a wonderful way to add interest to your garden. There are a number of designs to choose from and you can be as creative as you like.
Perennials are those flowering plants that die back to the ground in the winter and then reappear in the spring. They come in a lot of different sizes and shapes and are a popular addition to any garden. They are particularly popular because, …
At Quiet Nature Ltd, our spring clean-up generally involves removing the dead plant material of existing perennials and grasses, and prepping the perennials, shrubs and trees for the growing season. Following is a list of what we do, though not in …
THE BENEFITS OF TREES… (from http://landscapeontario.com/benefits-of-trees)
Below are some quick facts on the benefits of trees and the equity value of landscaping.
Trees improve health
For Immediate Release
Despite flooding and high water levels, the adventure continues!
Waterloo Region, ON, April 2013
In this second edition of “The Grand River Adventure”, Derek Lippert and JP Bartle, experienced paddlers …
Spring is right around the corner… Thankfully!
If you are thinking about selling your house, it’s time to also start thinking about updating your landscaping.
Are the hedges overgrown? Are the paths and walkways in good shape? Does your home …
Should I invest in a landscape maintenance package? By hiring Quiet Nature for your landscape maintenance needs, you eliminate all hassles associated with property upkeep. Our qualified professional staff will know if your annuals/perennials are …